
留学专业联盟|访学博士后2013年09月27日 15:35





  Location New Orleans, LA, United States

  Posted August 06, 2013

  Expires October 01, 2013

  Job type Postdoctoral

  The Department of Epidemiology at Tulane University School of Public Health invites applications for one or two postdoctoral fellows, available immediately, in cardiovascular genetic epidemiology and statistical genetics. The positions will focus on identifying genetic and epigenetic factors for cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity and related risk factors. The candidates will have opportunities to work on high-dimensional genetic, epigenetic and metabolomics datasets and testing for gene-gene and gene-environment interactions using genome-wide association studies (GWAS), epigenome-wide association studies (EWAS) and metabolomics analysis.

  The candidate is required to hold a PhD in epidemiology, statistical genetics, biostatistics, bioinformatics or a related field. Previous experience in human genetic studies of complex traits and advanced computer skills (e.g., programming languages, statistical genetic methods, and familiarity with UNIX-like operating systems) are required. The candidate is also required to have ability for independent and critical thinking and possesses excellent writing skills in English. Knowledge of bioinformatics, experience with handling massive datasets and publications in genetic epidemiology are added advantages. Starting salary will be commensurate with training and experience.

  All candidates should have a strong interest in cardiovascular genetic epidemiology, be highly motivated to conduct scientific research, be able to work independently in team-oriented projects, and are consistent, responsible and accurate for scientific research. Of note, this position is only for applicants who have strong statistical background and programming ability in genetic epidemiology research. Those who would like to work in a wet lab should not apply for this position.

  成立于1834年的杜兰大学(Tulane University),位于美国南部路易斯安那州(Louisiana)新奥尔良市(New Orleans),是一所综合性大学。2009年被《美国新闻和世界报道》评为一级国家级大学,历年排名在全美前50名左右。这所被誉为“南部哈佛”的私立大学,共有学生1.2万人,包括6000多名本科生。1000多名教学研究人员中,包括诺贝尔奖获得主和众多国际级学科领军学者。该校对学生要求严格,是一所治学严谨,历史悠久,享誉全球的优良学府。其毕业生深受市场欢迎,就业前景光明。



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